Monday, December 29, 2008
Day 3
“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life - think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success, that is way great spiritual giants are produced” - Swami Vivekanand
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Inner Certitude, Published In "Hindustan Times"
I WORK with a multinational bank in Ludhiana as an Investment banker and regularly read Timer Voice. Like others. I too ponder sometimes on what the present and future hold out for us and how one should deal with wishes, wants and disappointments, of which life is never short. Here is something I came across and its philosophy impressed me enough to start thinking that way and I now believe in it so strongly that I would like to share it with other fellow readers. The philosophy is that of Gautama Buddha, who apparently said, “All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become.” Other positive thinkers comment that, “When your heart and soul really wants to achieve something, the energies of the whole cosmos come together to help you achieve your heart’s desire. The infinite Intelligence that God has bestowed on you and me in the form of our subconscious mind helps in the realization of our dreams. When you have total faith that your dream will be fulfilled, this infinite intelligence will reveal to you the perfect plan for the unfolding of your desire. When you have a desire, have a corresponding faith in the divine power that will help you achieve it. Faith is closing down, ref using to listen to the little, rational, analytical, conscious mind and embracing an attitude of complete reliance on the inner power of your subconscious mind.”
When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, your thoughts break bonds: your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed. This is the divine power of the subconscious mind.” Remember. “What you are seeking is also seeking you.” I interpret this, like other positive thinkers, to mean that the quality of life is decided by our attitude.
When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, your thoughts break bonds: your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dormant forces, faculties and talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a greater person than you ever dreamed. This is the divine power of the subconscious mind.” Remember. “What you are seeking is also seeking you.” I interpret this, like other positive thinkers, to mean that the quality of life is decided by our attitude.
Prayer Therapy
Prayer is the effort of man to reach GOD, to commune with an invisible being, creator of all things, this world, supreme wisdom, truth, beauty and strength, father and redeemer of each man. Even in asking, our human deficiencies are filled and we arise strengthened and repaired. Thus begins a journey of the soul towards the realm of grace.
There is a lot of power in thoughts and prayers. Thoughts are a form of energy and therefore, real. Prayer is a form of communication with the infinite source of all energy or GOD, through our thoughts. Thoughts are like seeds that require nourishment to grow into fruit bearing trees. The nourishment of thoughts is in the form of affirmation, concentration and attention. Prayer is the effort of man to reach GOD, to commune with an invisible being, creator of all things, this world, supreme wisdom, truth, beauty and strength, father and redeemer of each man.
Prayer need not necessarily involve the usage of pious phrases. Too many people regard Prayer as a formalized routine of words, a refuge for weaklings, or a childish petition for material things. We sadly undervalue prayer when we conceive it in these terms. Properly understood, prayer is a mature activity indispensable to the fullest development of personality the ultimate integration of man’s highest faculties. Only in prayer do we achieve that complete and harmonious assembly of body, mind and spirit which gives the frail human reed its unshakable strength.
Prayer is not only workship; it is also an invisible emanation of man’s worshiping spirit the most powerful form of energy that one can generate. The influence of prayer on the human mind and body is as demonstrable as that of secreting glands. Whenever we address GOD in fervent prayer we change both body and soul for the better. It could not happen that any man or woman could pray for a single moment without some good result. Emerson Said, No Man ever prayed, “’without learning something.” Its results can be measured in terms of increased physical buoyancy, greater intellectual vigor, moral stamina and a deeper understanding of the realities underlying relationships.
If you make a habit of sincere prayer, your life will be very noticeably and profoundly altered. Prayer stamps with its indelible mark our actions and demeanor. A tranquility of bearing, a facial and bodily repose are observed in those whose inner lives are thus enriched. Within the depths of consciousness a flame kindles. And man sees for himself, he discovers his selfishness, his silly pride, his fears, his greeds and his blunders. He develops a sense of moral obligation, intellectual humility. When we pray, we link ourselves with the inexhaustible motive power that spins the Universe. We ask that a part of this power be apportioned to our needs. Even in asking, our human deficiencies are filled and we arise strengthened and repaired. Thus begins a journey of the soul towards the realm of grace.
Now, Lets learn the Science - of - Prayer Therapy. Prayer Therapy is the combined function of the conscious and subconscious mind scientifically directed.
Prayer Therapy is the synchronized, harmonious and intelligent function of the conscious and subconscious levels of mind specifically directed for a definite purpose. In scientific prayer or Prayer Therapy, you must know what you are doing and why you are doing it. You trust the law of healing. Prayer therapy is sometimes referred to as mental treatment. Another term is Scientific Prayer. In Prayer Therapy, you consciously choose a certain idea, mental picture or plan that you desire to experience. You realize your capacity to convey this idea or mental image to your subconscious by feeling the reality of the state assumed. As you remain faithful in your mental attitude, your prayer will be answered. Prayer Therapy is a definite mental action for a definite mental purpose. Sir Norman Vincent Peale in his bestselling book, The power of positive thinking described a threefold approach Prayerise, Picturise & ActualiseThe first step involves simply thinking and talking to GOD informally, which is prayer. The next step is picturising or visualizing it mentally. Create in your mind an image of the desired result: a healed loved one, a more prosperous life, a happy marital life, a more healthy or confident self. Whatever you seek, pray to GOD and then visualize it to be so and then say to GOD, “I have put it in your hands, Lord.” After this, the actualization will come in time either by the desired result or guidance. Thoughts of success often attract success. Thoughts of failure attract failure Energy is like a magnet. It attracts. But prayers take time to be answered. Just be patient and have faith. Positive affirmations, especially at night before bedtimes, are a very important tool to attract positive results. The age old tradition of prayer before sleeping is so effective that the positive thoughts and prayers can sink into the subconscious mind during sleep. One cannot stop negative thoughts from entering but one can kick them out as soon as they enter. Positive thoughts can repel negative ones from establishing themselves in the mind. Today, as never before, Prayer is binding necessity in the lives of men and nations. The lack of emphasis on the religious sense has brought the world to the edge of destruction. Prayer, the basic exercise of the spirit, must be actively practiced in our private lives. If the power of prayer is again released and used in the lives of common men and women; if the spirit declares its aims clearly and boldly, there is yet hope that our prayers for a better world will be answered
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